Tuesday, October 4, 2011

18 Remedy Homeopathy Kit

18 Remedy Homeopathy Kit Review

18 Remedy Homeopathy Kit Feature

  • Convenient - Compact enough, to carry with you at all times.
  • Economical - A range of remedies cheaper than if bought singly.
  • Robust - You can take it with you anywhere!
  • Versatile - 4 very carefully selected sets of remedies for every need.
  • Basic 18 * Basic 36 * Childbirth * Travel * Pet * Accident/Emergency
A Homeopathic Remedy Kit ideal for beginners + FREE Online Homeopathy Course. All major first aid remedies and much more. The Basic 18 Remedy Kit includes the following remedies: Aconite 30 Apis Mel 30 Arnica 30 Arsen Alb 30 Belladonna 30 Bryonia 30 Cantharis 30 Chamomilla 30 Gelsemium 30 Hypericum 30 Ignatia 30 Ledum 30 Merc Viv 30 Nux Vomica 30 Pulsatilla 30 Rhus Tox 30 Ruta 30 Silica 30 ... with a wonderfully comprehensive self-prescribing guide in the box.

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